CHAP. 72.
said president and directors, and they are hereby authorised,
to contract and agree with any such other corporation or per-
sons, for the right to use such road or bridge, or for the trans-
fer of any of the corporate, or other rights or privileges, of
such corporation or persons, to the said company hereby in-
corporated; and every such other corporation and persons
incorporated by, or acting under any law of this state, is and
are hereby authorised to make such agreement, contract or
transfer, by and through the agency of the person authorised
by their respective acts of incorporation to exercise their cor-
porate powers, or by such persons as by any law of this state
are entrusted with the direction and management of such
turnpike road or bridge, or of any of the rights or privileges
aforesaid; and every contract, ag et ment or transfer, mack- in
pursuance of the power and authority hereby granted, when
executed by the several parties under their respective corpo-
rate seals, or otherwise legally authenticated, shall vest in
the company hereby incorporated, all such road, part of a
road, rights and privileges, and the rights to use and enjoy
the same, as fully, to all intents and purposes, as they now
art or might be used and exercised by the said corporations,
or persons, in whom the same are now vested.
Machines for trans-
SEC. 20. And be it enacted, That the said president and di-
rectors shall have power to purchase, with the funds of said
company, and place on any rail road constructed by them un-
der this art, all machines, wagons, vehicles or carriages of
any description whatsoever, which they may deem necessary
or proper for the purposes of transportation on said road, and
that they shall have power to charge for tolls, (and the trans-
portation of persons,) goods, produce, merchandize or pro-
perty of any kind whatsoever, transported by them along said
rail way, from the city of Baltimore to the Susquehanna ri-
Rates of falls,
ver, any sum not exceeding the following rates, viz: On all
goods, produce, merchandize or property of any description
whatsoever, transported by them from the Susquehanna to
Baltimore; that is to say, from north to south, not exceeding
one cent a ton per mile tor toll, and three cents a ton per mile
for transportation; on all goods, merchandize or property of
any description whatsoever, transported by them from Balti-
more to, or towards the Susquehanna; that is to say, from
south to north, not exceeding three cents a ton per mile for
toils, and three cents a ton per mile for transportation; and
for the transportation of passengers, not exceeding three cents
per mile for each passenger; and k shall not be lawful for any-
other company, or any person or persons whatsoever, to
Execlusive right
travel upon or use any of the roads of said company, or to
transport persons, merchandize, produce or property of any
description whatsoever, along said road, or any of them, with-
out the licence or permission of the president and directors
of said company; and that the said road or roads, with all their
works, improvements and profits, and all the machinery of
transportation used on said road, to hereby vested in the said
company incorporated by this act and their successors fore-