Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That all deeds, conveyances,
grants or assurances, for passing any real property to, from,
or by any alien, who has been at the time of passing this act
admitted to naturalization in this state , however defective the
proceedings in obtain ing such naturalization, or the record
thereof, may be, are hereby made as valid and effectual, and
available in law, as if said deeds, conveyances, grants or as-
surances, had been made by regularly naturalized, or native
citizens of this state.
CHAP, 67.
Acts of naturalized
aliens ratified.
An additional supplement to the act, entitled, An act for found
ing an University in the city or precincts of Baltimore by
the name of the University of Maryland.
Passed February 33
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That for conducting the affairs and transacting the bu-
siness of the University of Maryland, not less than nine
trustees thereof shall be a quorum : Provided, That no pro-
vost or professor shall be appointed or dismissed, nor any
existing professorship abolished or reorganized, nor any new
one established, except by a vote of a majority of the whole
number of trustees.
Quorum of Trus
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the tenth section of the
act, entitled, An act supplementary to the act, entitled, An
act for founding an University in the city or precincts of Bal-
timore, by the name of the University of Maryland, passed at
December session, one thousand eight hundred and twenty
five, be, and the same is hereby repealed.
10th section of act
of 1825 repealed.
An act to incorporate the Neptune Insurance Company.
Passed January 30
WHEREAS, sundry persons within this state, have formed
themselves into a society, for the insurance of ships and mer-
chandize, and lending money on bottomry and respondentia,
and have prayed to be incorporated by law: Therefore,
SECTION 1 . Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That William Patterson, Luke Tiernan, Thomas Te-
nant, R. H. Douglass, B. Mezick, John T. Barr, William
Hughlett, George Warner, William McDonald, W. W. Tay-
lor, Joseph Todhunter, James Barroll, George Riston, James
Bosley, Robert Barry, George F. Warfield, John C. Richards,
Talbot Jones, William Lorman, Hugh M'Eldery, Alexander
Fridge, John Gibson, James Owings, Adam Welch, Isaac
Tyson, Christian Mayer, Frederick W. Brune, Henry Rode-
waldf Charles W, Karthaws, Christian Keener, Samuel Key-
ser, Nicholas Popplein, George Bailey, John Pogue, Frede-
rick Konig, Samuel Sweetser, and their associates, and such
other persons as shall hereafter become stockholders in said
company, shall be, and are hereby created and declared to
be a body politic and corporate, by the name, style, and title,
Company incorpo