An act for the revaluation of the real and personal property in
Calvert County,
CHAP. 55.
Passed Feb'ry 14,
SECTION 1 Be it enacted by the Genera! Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That the commissioners of the tax for Caiven, coun-
ty, be, and they are hereby authorised to meet at Prince Fre-
derick town, as soon as may be practicable, after the passage
of this act, and there proceed to re-value and re-assess the
real and personal property within said county, agreeably to
the provisions of an act passed at November session, eighteen
hundred and twelve, entitled an act, for the valuation of
real and personal property in the several counties of this
Revaluation or-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the following persons shall
be, and they are hereby appointed commissioners of the tax
for Calvert county — John G. Mackall, James G. Mackall,
Isaac Rhodes, James E Bourne anci John Ireland, who are
hereby authorised and empowered, to carry into full effect
and operation, all the provisions of this act, as well as the
aforesaid act of eighteen hundred and twelve, entitled an act
for the valuation of real and personal property in the sever-
al counties of this state.
Commssioner's of
tax named
A supplement to an act, entitled an act, to amend and reduce
into one, the several acts of Assembly relating to the public
roads in Worcester county, passed at December Session, 1821,
chapter 110.
Passed February 7
SECTION. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That from and after the passage of this act, that all
able bodied white male citizens residing in Worcester county,
who are not assessed, or pay a tax, shall be liable to be
summoned to labor upon the public roads of said county, in
the same manner that taxable inhabitants are required to per-
form such labor, by the act to which this is a supplement,
except that they shall not be required to perform more than
two days labor on said roads, in any one year, provided
that no female of any age, nor any male under twenty one
years of age or over fifty years of age shall be subject to
such duty.
Persons liable to
And whereas, there are many iree negroes and mulattoes
residing in said county, who neither pay a tax or are charged
with the same, and it appearing reasonable that the v should
contribute something towards the repairs of the public roads
of winch they have the use and privilege: Therefore,
SEC . 2. Be it enacted, That from and after the passage of
this act, that all able bodied free negroes and mulattoes' male
citizens residing in Worcester county, who are not assessed,
Negroes liable to