ANNE ARUNDEL ready vested, belong to said county, so
COUNTY soon as said commissioners shall bond, &c,
—— also to place in the Farmers Bank
of Maryland, to the credit of commission-
ers of primary schools aforesaid, the divi-
dends, &c. and all monies hereafter receiv-
ed into the treasury belonging to the school
fund of,
The school fund, &c assigned apd ap-
prcpriated for the support of public in-
struction, and placed under the direction
of the commissioners of primary schools
The commissioners of primary schools
of, to give bond, &c.
—— to apportion equally among the
school districts in said county, all monies,
&c. appropriated for the support of prima-
ry schools in,
So soon as the trustees of any school dis-
trict shall certify the fact, that they have
provided a school house, and employed a
teacher therein six months, the commis-
sioners of primary schools shall check up-
on the Farmers Bank in favor of said trus-
tees, for their full proportion of said fund,
Said trustees to apply the same towards
the payment of the salaries of the teach-
ers, &c.
Any school district neglecting to provide
school house and employ teacher, for two
years from the passage of this act, forfeits
its proportion of funds,
After two years from the passage of this
act, the commissioners of primary schools
required tc divide the said funds, &c equal-
ly amongst such districts as shall nave
complied, &c;
School districts complying after said two
years, entitled to their proportion of funds
accruing after so complying, &c.
Trustees of the several school districts
in, to report on the 3d Monday of Decem-
cember annually, to the commissioners of
primary schools, a full statement of their
proceedings, number of pupils, designating
their age, sex and progress; the amount paid
to teachers, number of school houses, &c.
Commissioners of primary schools in, to
report on the 3d Monday in January, an-
nually, to the legislature, an account of the
school fund belonging to said county a-
mount received of the treasurer of the