CHAP, 205
lease of the said hospital and premises, heretofore made and
granted by the mayor and city council of the city of Balti-
more to John P, M'Kenzie, hut the same shall j^e and remain
in full force and effect for the residue of the term, and the said
John P. M'Kenzie, may have, use, occupy, possess and enjoy
all the rights, privileges and advantages under said lease, in
as full and ample manner, as if this act had not been passed:
Powers re-
served in said case
granted to presi-
dent and visitors.
And provided also, That the said president and visitors here-
by appointed, and their successors, shall have, use, exercise,
possess and enjoy, all the rights, powers and privileges reserv-
ed in the said lease, in as full and ample manner, as the may-
or and city council might or could have done: And provided,
State right reserv-
also, That the right is reserved to the state to regulate by law
the said hospital, and to alter and change this charter when-
ever it may seem right to the legislature to do so.
Passed March 8,
A supplement to An act to provide for the repair of public
roads in Montgomery county.
Method of filling
Vacancy of super-
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
whenever the office of supervisor or inspector of public roads
in Montgomery county, shall become vacant by reason of re-
signation, or any other cause, it shall be lawful for the judges
of Montgomery county court, at any meeting of said court, to
fill such vacancy, or if such vacancy shall happen in the recess
of said court, then the levy court of said county shall fill such
vacancy, until the next meeting of the county court, and if the
levy court should not then be in bcssion, or to meet by appoint-
ment in time to prevent inconvenience or injury to the public,
on account of such vacancy, the clerk of the county court
shall appoint a day for the meeting of the levy court, pt which
due notice shall be given, in some newspaper published in the
county, and said coun when assembled, shall proceed to make
said appointment as above provided.
Passed March 14,
An act to authorise the New Castle and French Town Turnpike
Company, to make a Rail Road from French Town, on Elk.
River, to the Delaware line, in a direction towards New-
Meeting of stock-
holders to be call-
ed to determine
SECTION 1, Be it e nacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That the president and managers of the company in-
corporated by the name, style and title of The President, Ma-
nagers and Company of the New-Castle and French Town
Turnpike Company, or a majority of them, be, and they are
hereby authorised and requiredto call a meeting of the stock-
holders of the said company, at such time and place as they