tion, upon the said property; and if any of the property charge-
able with the said expenses of paving, and collection shall be
owned by any person not resident within the limits of the
city of Baltimore, then after public notice given at least three
times a week for three successive weeks in two of the news-
papers of the city of Baltimore, by advertisement, describing
the property chargeable, the amount of expense with which
such property is chargeable, and if known the name of the
owner or owners of said property, then the mayor and city
council may proceed to levy said expenses upon the interest
in said property, owned by such non-resident, without any
previous suit to determine their right to the same, and such
non-resident may at any time within three months, after the
said expenses have been levied and collected, institute an ac-
tion against the said mayor and city council of Baltimore, for
the recovery of the same, in which action if it shall appear that
public notice was not given in the manner above directed, or
that no such nuisance existed, or that the paving of said street
lane or alley was not necessary to the removal or abatement
of any such nuisance, or that said nuisance was caused by
any act or ordinance of the mayor and city council, or by 'the
officers of said city in the execution of their duty, such non-
resident shall recover the expenses of paving and collection,
so as aforesaid levied upon and collected from his said pro-
CHAP, 183
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That whenever any nuisance,
dangerous to the health of said city, shall exist, or be found in
or upon any vacant lot or lots within said city, the Mayor and
city council of said city, may remove or abate the same, and
may recover the expenses of abating or removing the same
from the owner or owners of such lot or lots, in the manner
prescribed by the preceding se tion; and the said owner or own
ers shall and may avail himself of the same defences a gains
the recovery of such expenses as are allowed by said section
to the owner or owners of property fronting on streets, lanes
or alleys, in actions for the recovery of the expenses of paving
any such streets, lanes or alleys, in order to the removal or
abatement of nuisances, and that the saove proceedings may be
had by or against non-residents, owners of such vacant lot or
lots, for the recovery of such expenses, which are allowed to
or against non-resident owners of property, for the recover
of the expenses of paving, and their collection under sail
Of otherwise re-
moving or abating
nuisances — like
An act to continue in force the acts of Assembly which would
expire with the present session
Passed March 13
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland That
all such acts and parts of acts as would expire with the pre-
sent session of Assembly, be and the same are hereby conti-