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will raise the dividends to six per centum per annum: Provid-
ed, however. That said tolls shall in no event be increased
more than fifty per centum on their amount as fixed by this
act: And provided, nevertheless, That it shall be the duty of
said president and managers, whenever the dividends arising
frorn the stock at the rates herein before prescribed equal six
per centum per annum, to reduce the said rates to the original
rates herein before prescribed.
To return annual
accounts to the le-
Sec. 9. And be it enacted, That the president and managers
of the said company, shall at the end of two years next after
the said rail road shall have been completed and in operation,
and at the end of every second year thereafter, lay before the
General Assembly of this state, an abstract of their accounts,
shewing the whole amount of their capital, and of the profits
and income arising from said road, to the said company, for
and during the said respective periods, together with an exact
account of the costs and charges, to the end that the clear an-
nual income and profits thereof, may be ascertained and
Time limited for
commencing and
Sec. 10. And be it enacted, That if the said rail road shall
not be commenced within two vears from the passage of this
act, and finished within this state in five years thereafter, then
this act shall be null and void.
Penalty for injur-
SEC. 11 And be it enacted, That if any person or persons
shall wilfully, by any means whatsoever, injure, impair or des-
troy, any part of any rail road constructed by said company
under this act, or any of their necessary works, buildings,
carriages, machines or vehicles, such person or persons so
offending, shall, each of them, for every such offence, forfeit
and pay to the said company, the sum of five hundred dol-
lars, which may be recovered in the name of said companv, by
an action of debt in the county court of the county wherein
the offence shall be committed, and shall also be subject to
indictment in said court, and upon conviction of such offence,
shall be punished by fine and imprisonment in the discretion
of the court.
Appointment of
agents officers &c
--by laws and re-
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That the said president and
managers, or A majority of them, may appoint all such offi-
cers, engineers, agents or servants whatsoever, as they may
deem necessary for the transacting of the business of the com-
pany in the completion of said road, and may remove any of
them at their pleasure; they, or a majority of them, shall have
power to determine by contract, the compensation of all the
engineers, officers, agents or servants, in the employ of said
company, and to determine by their by-laws the manner of ad-
justing and settling all accounts against the company, and al-
so the manner and evidence of transfers of stock in said com-
pany, and they or a majority of them, shall have power to pass
all by-laws which they may deem necessary or proper for
exercising the powers granted by the act incorporating the
said comply, and also all the powers herein granted: Provid-
ed, That such by-laws shall not be contrary to the laws of the
United States, or of this state.