dent and managers shall give notice thereof in one or more of
the newspapers in the city of Baltimore, and shall moreover
call a meeting of the stockholders for the purpose of choosing
managers for said company; which managers shall be, and
CHAP. 170
they are hereby invested with all the powers necessary to the
location, construction, and repair of a rail road from Baltimore
to the city of Washington, in the District of Columbia, as far
Powers granted to
make road.
as such road shall extend through or be situate within this
state; the said road to be located in such manner, and over
such ground and course, as any engineers authorised for that
purpose by the govenment of the United States, shall deter-
mine and ad vise; the said road not to exceed one hundred feet
wide, with as many set of tracks as the said president and
managers may deem necessary; and they, or a majority of
them, may cause to be made, or contract with others for mak-
ing said rail road, or any part of it; and they, their agents, or
those with whom they may contract for making any part of the
same, or their agents may enter upon, and use and execavate
any land which may be wanted for the site of said road, or
Location and con-
the erection of warehouses, or otker works necessary to said
road, or for any other purpose necessary or useful in the con-
struction or repair of said road, or its works; and that they
Use of materials
may build bridges, may fix scales and weights, may lay rails,
may take and use any earth, timber, gravel and stone, or other
materials which may be wanted for the construction or repair of
any part of said road, or any of its works, and may make and
construct all works whatever, which may be necessary and ex-
pedient in order to the proper completion of said road.
Badges, &c.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the president and managers
of said company, or a majority of them, or any person or per-
sons authorised by a majority of them, may agree with the
owner or owners of any land, earth, timber, gravel, stone, or
other materials, or any improvements which may be wanted
for the construction or repair of said road, or any of their
works, for the purchase or use and occupation of the same,
Agrree for land or
and if they cannot agree, or if the owner or owners be feme
covert, under age, or non compos mentis, or out of the county
in which the property wanted may lie, when such land or ma-
terials may be wanted, application may be made to any justice
of the peace of such county, who shall thereupon issue his
warrrant, under hand and seal, directed to the sheriff of said
county, requiring him to summon a jury of twenty inhabitants
of said county, not related, or in any wise interested, to meet
on the land, or near to the other property or materials to he
valued, on a day named in said warrant, not less than ten, or
more than twenty days after the issuing of the same; and if at
said time and place any of said jurors summoned do not at-
tendf the said sheriff shall immediately summon as many ju-
rors as may be necessary, with the jurors in attendance, to
furnish a pannel of twenty jurors in attendance, and from them,
each party, or its, his, her, or their agents, if cither be not
prestnt in person, or by agent, the sheriff for him, her, it or
them, may strike off four jurors, and if more than twelve of
Method of valua-
tion &c. in case of