SEC. 6. And be it enacted That the said levy court shall
He, and they are hereby authorised, in their discretion, from
CHAP, 116
time to time to levy upon the assessable property of said
county such further sum not exceeding three hundred dollars,
as they may thidk necessary, in addition to the sum which
they are required to lew by this act, for the purpose of car-
rving this law into effect; Provided however , That the said
levy court shall not be authorised by the provisions of this
section to levy a greater sum than one hundred dollars in
any one year.
Further levy-
SEC. 7. And be it enacted. That in all cases where a jury
shall be called and no damages shall be allowed to the party
at whose instance the same was mailed, then the said party
shall pay the cons, and if damages should be allowed, the
county shall pay the costs.
Jury, how campen-
Ah act to regulate the issuing of Licenses to traders, keepers of
Ordinaries and others.
Passed March. 27
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
iand, That from and after the first day of May next, it shall
not be lawful for any person or persons, body or bodies corpo-
rate or politic, within this state, other than the grower, maker
or manufacturer of the specific articles which shall be therein
exposed for sale or barter, to open, set up, keep or use, any
booth, stall, shop, office, store, warehouse or other building, yard,
inclosure, vessel, or any other place or pan of any house,
building or other place, for the purpose of selling by wholesale
or retailor bartering any dry goods, groceries, spirituous or fer-
mented liquor, imported dried fruit, glass, crockery, hard ware
drugs or medicines, paints, printed books, stationary, saddle-
ry, gold, silver or plated ware, jewelry, toys, wearing apparel,
salted provisions, grain, meal, flour, timber, tobacco, cotton,
leather, hides, lime, wrought or cast Iron, copper or tin, or
any other kind of goods, wares or merchandize, foreign or
domestic, without first obtaining a license in the manner pres-
Sales without li-
cense prohibited
cribed by this act: Provided, nevertheless, That it shall be
lawful for any person or persons, who on the day before men-
tioned, shall have a license under the present existing laws, to
sell or barter, in virtue thereof, until the expiration of the
term for which the said license was granted, as freely as he,
she or they might have done, if this act had not have passed:
Existing license
And provided, That any license to vend said articles, may be
granted by said clerks to extend to the second day of May
next, for which the person receiving the same, shall pay for
the use of the state, a sum proportionate to that charged for a
license, under the existing laws, for a whole year, regarding
the time for which it shall issue: Provided also, That persons
carrying on shad and herring fisheries in this state, may sell
and dispose of so much salt as is necessary to cure the fish
Exception; salt for