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Quakerism on the Eastern Shore, by Kenneth Carroll. Baltimore, 1970.
MARYLAND STATE SOCIETY, DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION MICHIGAN, UNIVERSITY OP, MICHIGAN HISTORICAL COLLECTIONS Report of the Michigan Historical Collections, 1968-1969. n.p., n.d. Gift. MICROPHOTO DIVISION, BELL & HOWELL Newspapers on Microfilm, Twelfth Edition, 1970. Wooster, Ohio, 1970. Gift. Special Collection: Newspapers, Periodicals, and Records in Microfilm. Wooster, Ohio, 1970. Gift. MONTGOMERY COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY
The Montgomery County Story, Vol. XII, No. 4, 1969; Vol. XIII, Nos. MOUNT VERNON LADIES' ASSOCIATION OF THE UNION
Annual Report of the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association of the Union, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES
"Carroll County, Maryland: Operation Farm Museum," by George A.
NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SECRETARIES OF STATE NETTLES, SUSAN Archives in Africa. Paper for the History of Archival Administration, Fall Semester 1968. Typescript. Gift. The Archives of Greece, Turkey, Israel, Egypt, and Iraq. Paper for the History of Archival Administration, Fall Semester 1968. Typescript. Gift. NEW ZEALAND, NATIONAL ARCHIVES OF A Summary of Work, 1969. Wellington, 1969. Exchange. NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF ARCHIVES AND HISTORY
A Home for North Carolina History: The Dedication of the Archives NOVA SCOTIA PUBLIC ARCHIVES
Minutes of His Majesty's Council at Annapolis Royal, 1736-1749, Nova OKLAHOMA STATE ARCHIVES
Guide to Oklahoma State Archives on Microfilm, compiled by Robert L. PEABCE, MARVIN J., SR. Benedict Pioneers in Kentucky. Processed, 1968. Gift. Pearce Pioneers in Kentucky with Notes on Related Families. Processed, 1969. Gift. PENGUIN BOOKS, INC.
White Over Black,- American Attitudes Toward the Negro, 1550-1812, |
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