on the Council of the Society terminated at that time. He served as a
member of the Nominating Committee and was appointed a member of
the ad hoc Committee on Uniform Archival Statistics. He participated
in the teaching of the Sixteenth Annual Institute of Genealogical Re-
search, July 21, 1966 and the Twenty-First Institute on Modern Ar-
chives Administration of the American University on June 14, 1967.
Mr. Beach had a share also in the Archives Institute course. Mr.
Beach attended the Convention of the National Microfilm Association
in Bal Harbour, Miami Beach, Florida, April 25-28, 1967. He also
attended the Archivists meeting in Atlanta, again serving on the Records
Management Committee. He also attended the annual meeting of the
Clerks of Court Association of Maryland at Ocean City, Maryland,
August 11-13, 1966. Mr. Brown accompanied Mr. Beach to all these
meetings. Mr. Straubinger attended the annual meeting of the Register
of Wills Association in Ocean City, July 7-9, 1966 and he also attended
a seminar held by the same Association on Revision of the Probate Laws,
in Baltimore, December 9, 1966.
Mr. White was much involved with educational matters through-
out the year. He attended a meeting of the State Curriculum Co-ordinat-
ing Committee of the State Department of Education, of which he is
a member, December 15, 1966. He also served as a member of the
Anne Arundel County Board of Education on the Problems of the
Twentieth Century Study Guide Revision Committee and the Civics
Study Guide Revision Committee. These committees met March 9,
March 14, and April 5, 1967. He then transferred his activities to
problems of the Constitutional Convention and was appointed a mem-
ber of the Maryland State Department of Education's Committee to
prepare a Teachers' Resource Guide for the Constitutional Convention.
The Archivist also attended the Clerks of Court Meeting. He par-
ticipated in the Indexing Project of Historic Annapolis and assisted in
the accompanying seminar on Problems of Maryland History. He was
reappointed for a term of four years to the Maryland Historical Trust
and for a term of five years to the St. Mary's City Commission. He
continued to serve as a member of the Maryland Historical Society
Seminar in Maryland History and he was appointed a member of the
Publication Committee of the same Society. He served the year as a
member of the State Library Association Committee on the reprinting
of Maryland materials.
It was a very full year.