Many of our staff members are now receiving the maximum salary
in their scale or the maximum plus the longevity increment. The reason
for the discrepancy in the amount paid to them and the maximum or
maximum plus longevity listed herein, is that the scale is always calcu-
lated by the year and this year there were two scales involved, one for
that part of the fiscal year ending at the first pay period in October 1965
and the higher scale from October 6, 1965 to June 30, 1966.
Other discrepancies are due to resignations at other times than the
end of the fiscal year and replacements. The salaries are divided in
such cases and more often than not the replacement is at the minimum
while the employee who resigned might have been at any increment
through, the maximum plus longevity. In the case of the Archivist III
position, which was held by Guy Weatherly until his death December
28, 1965, he was replaced by Sarah Salter as Archivist II on January
12, 1966.
Program 01. General Administration
There were no staff changes in this program.
Program 02. Archival Administration
Two new positions were granted us as of the beginning of the
fiscal year: Clerk-Typist II which was filled the first day of the fiscal
year by Barbara S. Lambden and Archivist IV which was not filled until
October 6, 1965, by John D. Kilbourne who had commitments which
prevented his acceptance earlier.
Guy A. Weatherly, who had been on our staff for more than
twelve years, died December 28, 1965. His position was filled by
Sarah Salter as Archivist II. Miss Salter had previously been employed
by the Hall of Records so we were fortunate in finding her available
Robert O. Benson, Archivist II, who had been on our staff since
June 24, 1965, was called up for military service February 18, 1966.
He was replaced on April 20, 19<$6 by Beverly Ann Baker.
We lost two veteran employees of the Repair Room Staff in the
course of the year, Patricia C. Goldsborough and Beatrice B. Hiltabidle.