The Maryland Historical Society is also a large holder of Maryland
records. It acquired them during the 19th century when, from time to
time, the State transferred records to its custody since it had no proper
place to keep them. There was an indirect quid-pro-quo involved. The
Historical Society was given the funds to begin publishing the Mary-
land Archives and to repair and make available certain others of the
records. In the course of time, many of these records have become in-
terfiled with other records of the Society, and the Society has lacked
the time and staff to sort them out. The bulk of them, however, were
returned in 1937, and from time to time since then driblets, mainly of
loose papers, have come to the Hall of Records.
Perhaps the Library of Congress can still be persuaded to let its
Maryland records go; and the Maryland Historical Society, embarking
as it is on an expanded program within its handsome new building,
will now have the opportunity to examine its manuscript collection
thoroughly and separate the archives of the State from its own rich
collection. It is to be hoped so.
Respectfully submitted,
Archivist and Records Administrator