We again received as gifts many welcomed additions. Some of
the titles represent those we have been regularly receiving as gifts for
many years. Others we have been acquiring through exchange, sub-
scription, and purchase.
As usual, we received many family genealogies. Included among
these are those pertaining to the Murray, McConkey, Snowberger,
Kegarise, Fetzer, Joyce, Sasscer, Selby, and Springer families. The Cresap
Chapter, D.A.R. presented us with a copy of Early Allegany County
Records, 1787-1820. The Dorchester County Historical Society gave
us an invaluable Tombstone Records of Dorchester County, 1678-1964,
compiled under the direction of Nellie M. Marshall.
As during previous years we again made limited purchases. In
this category are The Mighty Re-volution: Negro Emancipation in
Maryland, 1862-1864, by Charles L. Wagandt, Maryland in Law and
History, by Judge Edward S. Delaplaine, and three books by William
W. Sweet on the history of religion in America.
We received no county or municipal codes during the year.
Of special mention is the gift of American State Archives, by
Ernst Posner, a gift of the Society of American Archivists. We also
received the multi-volume sets of Abraham Lincoln: The Prairie Years
and Abraham Lincoln: The War Years, by Carl Sandburg, as a gift
from Mrs. Richard Jones Beall.
Nos. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 1964; Vol. XX, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1965. Nash-
ville, 1964-1965. Subscription.
———————, Life Is A Local Story: A Collection of Talks Concerning Local History,
Historic Sites, And History Museums, edited by Clement M. Silvestro. Nashville,
1964. Subscription.
, The Role of Local History, by James C. Olson. Nashville, 1965.
BALTIMORE CO-CATHEDRAL, The Baltimore Co-Cathedral: Minor Basilica of The
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Its History and Description, by The
Rev. Cornelius M. Cuyler, S.S. Baltimore, 1951. Gift.
BALTIMORE COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY, Annotated Finding List of Genealogical and
Heraldic Reference Materials in the Baltimore County Public Library, May 1965.
Processed. Gift.
BAPTIST CONVENTION OF MARYLAND, Annual of the Baptist Convention of Maryland,
1964. n.p., n.d. Gift.
BARNES, ROBERT, Descendants of James Murray and Jemima Morgan of Baltimore
County, 1704-1964. Processed. 1964. Gift.
BARROW RESEARCH LABORATORY, Permanance Durability of the Book: III: Spray,
Deacidification. Publications No. 3. Richmond, 1964. Gift.
BILLIAS, GEORGE ATHAN, Editor, Law and Authority in Colonial America. Barre, Mass.,
1965. Gift.