Dr. Radoff completed his term as Editorial Advisor of the
American Archivist. Mr. Skordas continued as a member of the Council
of the Society of American Archivists. Mr. Beach was reappointed to
the Records Management Committee and both Mr. Beach and Mr.
Skordas attended the annual meeting which was held October 6-10,
1964 in Austin, Texas. Mr. Skordas served on the panel of the meet-
ing devoted to a study of Ernst Posners' book on American State
Archives entitled "Development and Implementation of Archival Stand-
ards and the Posner Report." After this meeting, Mr. Skordas visited
the Archives General of Mexico.
Connis Brown attended the Meeting of the National Microfilm
Association in Cleveland May 11-13, 1965.
Mr. Beach and Mr. Straubinger attended the annual meeting of
the Register of Wills Association at Ocean City July 16-18, 1964, and
Mr. Straubinger and Mr. Brown attended a similar meeting of the
Clerks of Court Association at the same place August 14-15, 1964.
Mr. Beach and Mr. Brown attended the annual meeting of the
County Commissioners Association which was also held in Ocean City,
on August 27-28. Mr. Beach spoke on the importance of record keep-
ing to county government.
Dr. Radoff attended a meeting of the Baltimore Bibliophiles of
which he is a founding member on February 12, at Evergreen House in
The Archivist attended several meetings of the Maryland Historical
Trust of which he is a trustee.
Mr. Weatherly spoke to the St. Mary's County Historical Society
with Mr. Bryden B. Hyde on "Annapolis" on February 20. On March
25 he spoke to the Talbot County Historical Society on Land Grants
before 1707 and on May 3 he described the research facilities of the
Hall of Records to the Harford County Historical Society.
Mr. White continued his valuable work on the State Coordinating
Curriculum Committee of the State Department of Education, attending
the annual meeting on November 25, 1964.
The Fourteenth Institute of Genealogical Research of the American
University spent the day of July 15, 1964 at the Hall of Records. It