The records of Salisbury, Spring Hill and Stepney Parishes in
Wicomico County had already been microfilmed, but we are still old-
fashioned enougn to prefer the original record to the film. Therefore
we were glad to accept them when they were offered this year.
Through private sources we received several collections of papers
that will be of interest to historians. From Colonial Williamsburg we
received a microfilm copy of correspondence, public and private, of
and concerning Francis Nicholson, a colonial governor of Maryland
and Virginia in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries.
Letters to and from Reverdy Johnson between 1834 and 1869 were the
gift of Lester S. Levy; during these years Johnson was Attorney Gen-
eral of the United States (1849-50) and United States Senator from
Maryland (1863-68). Chief Judge Emorv H. Niles of the Supreme
Bench of Baltimore City presented us with materials he had collected
from a history of the Admiralty Court in Maryland during the colonial
period. The McParlin Papers, deposited with us by Guy Weatherly of
our own staff, are also of interest. They include papers of William
Fans, Annapolis silversmith from 1763 to 1805 and letters of the 1840's
and 1850's written by Thomas McParlin, an officer in the Medical
Corps of the United States Army from various outposts in the West
describing frontier life to his mother and brother in Annapolis. There
are also many official and semi-official Army papers dating from before
and during the Civil War.
Early maps are always valuable items. An atlas of Maryland and
the District of Columbia prepared by Martenet, Walling, and Gray
and published in 1873 was the gift of Mrs. Aline Carder, and Miss
Bessie Spafford kindly allowed us to photostat her copy of a map of
Caroline County drawn by John B. Isler and published in 1875. We
were also able to increase our collection of newspapers with the pur-
chase of a file (on microfilm) of The Daily News of Frederick, Mary-
land, which is nearly complete, from October 15, 1883 to September
29, 1904.
The letters and/or numbers in parentheses are accession symbols.
Land Records, 1850-1949, 220 volumes, microfilm (CR6722-CR6858)
General Index to Land Records, 1791-1963, 93 volumes, microfilm
Marriage Records, 1865-1873, 1900-1914, 5 volumes, microfilm (CR6885-
Original Manumissions, 1785-1820, 1842-1844, 1865, X cubic foot (16375)