ment of Assessments and Taxation with copies of current deeds for its
tax map program. In all but three counties where special arrangements
were made with the Department of Assessments and Taxation or Hall
and McChesney, Inc. the records were filmed especially for the Hall of
Records by the Clerks of Court or were a part of their projection print
recording program carried on through Hall and McChesney. Our per-
sonnel supervised the filming in all the twenty-three counties and Balti-
more City, inspected the completed film, and delivered it to the Land
Some attention also was devoted to putting the remaining uncov-
ered records of State and county agencies under schedule. During the
year fourteen schedules covering 107 record series were established for
State agencies and an additional fourteen were revised to permit the
transfer of records to the Record Centers. In the same period thirteen
schedules controlling 114 record items were established for agencies of
ten counties.
As in the past, we worked closely with the Department of Budget
and Procurement on requests from State agencies for the purchase or
rental of record equipment and services. Among the requests received,
the proposal for the establishment of a central data control center for
the records of the Workmen's Compensation Commission was particu-
larly interesting. This proposal was submitted by Remington Rand, Inc.
and provided for the consolidation of all compensation records into a
central data control center, utilizing open shelving and a terminal digit
system for filing and finding case folders. It further provided for the
design and creation of a master index file through the use of Soundex
for reference to the central file. Because of the urgent need for a com-
plete overhauling of the record procedures of the Commission and
because the proposed system appeared to be an effective one, approval
of a contract with Remington Rand for this project was recommended.
During the year, we also participated with the Department of
Budget and Procurement in a survey of the duplicating equipment in
the possession of State departments located in the Baltimore State Office
Building. The purpose of the survey was to determine the feasibility
of establishing a central duplicating service in the building. As a result
of this survey, the Board of Public Works was asked to approve the
centralization of the mimeograph and photocopy equipment of agencies
in the building and to provide funds for the additional equipment and
personnel needed. Initially, the duplicating service will be limited to