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Twenty-Fifth Annual Report of the Archivist of the Hall of Records, FY 1960
Volume 462, Page 13   View pdf image (33K)
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The record storage areas inspected in the new State Office Build-
ing were the first and basement floor rooms allocated to the Land Office
records and the basement space allocated to Records Center Storage
purposes. The Land Office records within the first floor space seemed
to be well housed. The conditions of temperature and relative humidity
appeared to be very favorable. This conclusion was confirmed by an
examination of the records and of the charts maintained over a con-
siderable period of time. Certain minor structural changes or other
alterations might be made within the area to improve conditions, par-
ticularly to combat some slight temperature fluctuations caused by the
large window exposures (see Recommendations). But except for the
possibility of human failure or mechanical breakdown, the modern air-
conditioning system covering this space should do an efficient job of
maintaining satisfactory atmospheric conditions for record storage. Fire
protection in the building as a whole appeared good; the structure itself
is of noncombustible character so far as could be seen in the period of
the inspection.

The basement area assigned for storage of Land Office records
appeared quite satisfactory from the several angles of this inspection.
Being located below grade level with no exposure to large window sur-
faces, and hence not influenced by sunlight, it is an area where rather
stable conditions of atmosphere should prevail through the operation
of the ventilating system.

The quarters in the basement of the new State Office Building
used for Records Center storage appeared to be a very satisfactory area,
its surroundings being of a fire resistant character and its atmosphere
under adequate automatic controls.


1. If mechanically feasible, increase the velocity of air circulation in
the sk record storage levels of the Hall of Records to obtain maxi-
mum benefit from the system (human comfort must be borne in
mind in this connection).

2. Institute annual inspections and maintenance of first aid fire fight-
ing devices in Hall of Records and relocate any devices, if necessary.

3. In the first floor space for Land Office records in the new State Office


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Twenty-Fifth Annual Report of the Archivist of the Hall of Records, FY 1960
Volume 462, Page 13   View pdf image (33K)
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