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Twenty-Fifth Annual Report of the Archivist of the Hall of Records, FY 1960
Volume 462, Page 11   View pdf image (33K)
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President of the Peabody Institute:

JOHN R. MONTGOMERY, ESQ....................Baltimore

There was only one change in the membership of the Hall of
Records Commission: the Chairman of the Board of the Peabody Insti-
tute, William L. Marbury, Esq., was succeeded by the President, Mr.
John R. Montgomery. This change was made at the suggestion of Mr.
Marbury, who felt that it was required by Chapter 18 of the Acts of
1935 (the Hall of Records Commission Act).

A meeting of the Hall of Records Commission was held Monday,
April 11, 1960, at the Hall of Records. The following members were
present: Judge Brune, Dr. Weigle, Governor Tawes, Senator Radcliffe,
and Mr. Goldstein. The meeting was called to order by the chairman at
3 p.m. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved in the
form in which they had been circulated. The following members of the
staff who had received temporary appointments were approved as per-
manent staff members: Anne G Grigg, Stenographer, Accounting;
Patricia C. Goldsborough, Manuscript Repair Technician I; Phebe R.
Jacobsen, Junior Archivist; Daisy Lee Jones, Senior Clerk; Mary Ellen
Hopkins, Photographer; John W. Rousseau, Photographer.

The Commission then gave its attention to the activities of the
Hall of Records staff, including an appraisal of the new Maryland
Manual which included various changes that had been suggested by
members of the Commission. There was some further discussion of the
proposal to place the staff under the Merit System, and of the possibility
of expanding the membership of the Hall of Records Commission.

Care of the records of the State in the Hall of Records and in the
Land Office then came under the scrutiny of the Commission. At the
suggestion of Mr. Goldstein, and with the approval of all the members
present, the Archivist was instructed to ask for an unbiased report of
these conditions from experts at The Library of Congress and The
National Archives.

The meeting adjourned sine die at 4:20 p.m.

Subsequent to this meeting the Librarian of Congress, Dr. L.
Quincy Mumford, and the Archivist of the United States, Dr. Wayne
C. Grover, generously sent us Alvin W. Kremer and James L. Gear to
make this inspection. Their report follows.


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Twenty-Fifth Annual Report of the Archivist of the Hall of Records, FY 1960
Volume 462, Page 11   View pdf image (33K)
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