can University. The students of the Tenth Annual Institute in The Preserva-
tion and Administration of Archives attended classes at the Hail of Records
on July 3; the students of the Seventh Annual Institute of Genealogical
Research spent the day of July 11, 1956. On May 28, 1957, the winter class
in Archival Administration came to the Hall of Records; and the students
of the Eleventh Annual Institute in The Preservation and Administration of
Archives came here June 27 and 28, 1957.
At the request of the Director of the International Labor Relations Office,
St. John's College, the Archivist, on February 21, 1957, spoke to a group of
exchange students from Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Honduras and Peru on the
history of Maryland; he also gave them a short history of the Hall of Records.
Miss Ray, Junior Archivist in the Records Management Division, com-
pleted a semester of graduate study in the administration of archives at The
American University; and Mr. Saunders enrolled in courses leading to the
Master's degree in the same institution.
Students of archival administration at The American University who
came to study at the Hall of Records were the following: Mary W. A very,
Librarian, State College of Washington; A. Jeanette Buhler, Department of
the Army; Lila F. Colby, Librarian, Michigan State Library; Henry B. Cox,
student; B. R. DeRemer, Archivist, Moody Bible Institute; Oscar Hamilton
Harris, District of Columbia Department of Corrections; H. G. Jones, North
Carolina State Archivist; Walter L. Jordan, Senior Archivist, Tennessee State
Archives; George W. Kahler, Library, U. S. Department of Agriculture; Mary
Ellis Kahler, Library of Congress; Karl Karsten, graduate student; Geneva
Kebler, Research Assistant, Michigan Historical Commission; O. Roland Lam-
bert, Library of Congress; A. T. Loan, Management Analyst, Department of
the Army; Mollie F. F. Lukis, Archivist, State Library, Perth, Western Aus-
tralia; Gladys K. G. Mackenzie, Library of Congress; Nancy H. Mattila,
U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission; Boulton B. Miller, Office of the
Secretary of Defense; Marcel Pittet, Wisconsin State Historical Society; Doro-
thy B. Porter, Librarian, Howard University; Helen D. Reveley, Records Con-
sultant, Remington Rand, Incorporated; Alaine L. Roundtree, Archival As-
sistant, Office of the Secretary of State of Illinois; Francis J. Russo, U. S.
Government; Kate M. Stewart, Library of Congress; Ramon Sto. Domingo,
Office of the President of the Philippines; Horacio Torres Pierliussu, Puerto
Rico Institute of Culture; Clifford F. Valentine, National Headquarters
Archivies, American Red Cross; Paul J. Walsh, Department of the Navy;
George L. Welsch, Management Analyst, U.S. Government; William H.
Work, Archivist, Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission; Hannah
M. Zeidlik, Office of Chief of Military History, Department of the Army.