with William Thomas, October 8, 1785. 1 sheet. (6) Award of the arbitrators in
the dispute between William Thomas and John Tippett, November 19, 1785. 1
sheet. (7) Account of William Thomas against the estate of John Goldsmith for
expenses incurred in securing his title to the land he purchased from John Gold-
smith, Sr., and John Goldsmith, Jr., February 14, 1788. 1 sheet. Deposit.
Scott, an early graduate of Washington College, July 11, 1788. 1 sheet. Deposit.
WILKINSON, HUGH M., Ancient Plantation Burying-Ground Returned to Wilkinson
Family, Dedicated as a Historic Site by Maryland State Chapter, D. A. R. Processed
13 sheets. Gift.
WOOLEN, JOHN SELLMAN, Diary of John Sellman, 1818-1862. Original loaned by
Mr. Woolen for microfilming.
It is not often that records are withdrawn from the Hall of Records, but there was
such an instance last year. The circumstances leading to the withdrawal of the records of
the Board of Medical Examiners of the State of Maryland (Homeopathic) have been
described in the Nineteenth Annual Report (pp. 61-62). The opinion of the Attorney
General effectively reversing an earlier opinion is cited in full at the end of the present
report. Pursuant to this opinion, the records of the Board (see list in Nineteenth Annual
Report, p. 34) were turned over to Dr. Robert H. Reddick, Secretary-Treasurer of the
Board, January 10, 1955.
The Hall of Records added a number of useful books to the small library
which it maintains for the use of the staff and for researchers. As in previous
years, staff members have been able to study the procedures of other archival
agencies as a result of materials received on an exchange basis. A gift from the
Carnegie Institution of Washington enabled us to complete our set of the
Letters of Members of the Continental Congress.
The Hall of Records purchased few books during the year, among them
Benson J. Lossing's Pictorial History of the Civil War in the United States of
America and Aubrey C. Land's The Dulanys of Maryland. A number of other
local and family histories were given to us including Cora Anderson Dulany's
The Andersons from the Great Fork of the Patuxent and James Wade Emison,
Jr.'s, The Emison Families, Revised. Of especial value in the field of Mary-
land local history have been the Chronicles of St. Mary's, prepared by the St.
Mary's County Historical Society each month since June 1953. Among the
material received from other states was a book on Ohio Place Names by Wil-
liam D. Overman.