eral exhibit cases with documents about Calvert County's Tercentenary cele-
bration and about Charles County and the restoration of Port Tobacco.
This exhibit was temporarily replaced in April by a special exhibit in
celebration of the American Jewish Tercentenary, entitled "Under Freedom,"
the story of Jewish participation in American life, which was jointly sponsored
and arranged by all of the Jewish organizations in Annapolis, under the chair-
manship of Mrs. Leon J. Katcef. Among the religious items loaned by Jewish
individuals and organizations were a silver menorah (candleholder), made in
Vienna in 1865 and rescued from a synagogue in Austria prior to the German
invasion; a wine cup, made in Nuremberg about 1550 and used in the marriage
ceremony; and a marriage document written on parchment that was used in
Italy about 200 years ago. From their personal collection gathered on their
travels to Israel, Governor and Mrs. McKeldin placed in this exhibit a number
of articles, including examples of blue patina ware and two hand-embroidered
black stoles.
In November 1954, the Hall of Records loaned several documents to the
Historical Exhibit Committee in charge of the American Jewish Tercentenary
exhibit at the Jewish Museum of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America,
in New York. They remained on display there from December 1954 until
May 1955, when they were transferred to the Smithsonian Institution in Wash-
ington, D. C., and placed on exhibition for a month. The documents loaned
by the Hall of Records were: Chapter 205, Acts of 1824, "An Act for the
relief of the Jews in Maryland," and Chapter 33, Acts of 1825, "An Act to
confirm an act entitled, 'An Act for the relief of the Jews in Maryland passed
at December Session Eighteen hundred and twenty-four.* " We also made ar-
rangements with the State Library for the loan of the House Journal of 1822,
and with the Commissioner of the Land Office for the gift of a photostatic
copy of the indictment of Dr. Jacob Lumbrozo in 1658, as recorded in Pro-
vincial Court Deeds, Liber S for use in this exhibit.
The Nineteenth Annual Report of the Archivist describing the work
of the Hall of Records staff for the fiscal year July 1, 1953, to June 30, 1954,
appeared February 25, 1955. This report, although intended primarily as an
accounting for the Hall of Records Commission, is detailed enough in the
matter of accessions and finding aids to be of help to researchers. It is also our
hope that our annual reports may be of use to fellow state archivists and that
they in turn will help us through their reviews and informal comments.
Buildings of The Stale of Maryland at Annapolis, Publication No. 9 of
the Hall of Records Commission. This book appeared June 9, 1954, and was
noted, therefore, in the Nineteenth Annual Report. You were also informed
then of the handsome display given the book by the Enoch Pratt Free Library,