the Acts of 1953. The Microfilm Division became a part of this new
division, and, as a matter of course, the Public Records Examiner was
transferred to that staff.
Edward N. Johnson was appointed Assistant Records Administrator
in charge of the Records Management Division July 15, 1953, and Helen E.
Stevens was appointed Senior Stenographer to serve as secretary to Mr.
Johnson, August 12, 1953. Mr. Johnson resigned April 30, 1954, to return
to records management work in the federal government, and he was suc-
ceeded on June 30, 1954, by Rex Beach, who came to us from the State
Records Center of North Carolina.
Changes in microfilm personnel were as follows: Charles F. Wade, who
had resigned on June 30, 1955, was succeeded by Guy Weatherly, who was
appointed Junior Archivist July 1, 1953. Alvin E. Moore transferred to
the Department of Forests and Parks on July 28, 1953, and was succeeded
by Joseph H. Hirsch July 29, 1953.
Inauguration of the Records Management Program, of course, meant
increased demands on the time of the Archivist. In order to relieve him in
some measure of his archival responsibilities and to permit him to devote
the time necessary to administration of the new program, the Assistant
Archivist was put in immediate charge of the archival staff. As a further
consequence of undertaking the records management program, the position
of Archivist was reclassified to Archivist & Records Administrator, effective
July 16, 1953. Also, the salary scale of the position of Assistant Archivist
was raised, effective June 2, 1954.
Only one change occurred during the year in the staff of the Hall of
Records, exclusive of Records Management: Raymond B. Clark, Jr., who
left July 27, 1953, was succeeded by Edna E. Jensen on July 30, 1953.
It has always been the policy of the Archivist to participate in archival
and historical activities and to encourage the members of the Hall of
Records stafT to do the same. All of us are members of the Society of
American Archivists: the Archivist is a member of the Council of this
Society; in addition, he was chairman of the Program Committee for the
Williamsburg meeting of September 12-H, 1954, and served as a member
of the Committee on State Records. Mr. Skordas served another year as a
member of the Committee on Archival Buildings and Equipment, Mr.