reunion. Mr. Meredith B. Colkett, Jr., a member of the staff of the Na-
tional Archives and Director of the Genealogical Institute of The American
University, called as did two other members of the National Archives staff,
Dr. Philip M. Hamer, Executive Director, National Historical Publications
Commission, and Dr. Oliver W. Holmes, Chief Archivist of the Natural
Resources Records Branch. Dr. Hamer is gathering material on the adoption
of the Federal Constitution and Dr. Holmes is interested in the early history
of the postal service. Dr. T. R. Schellenberg, Director of Archival Manage-
ment at the National Archives, came to study the effects of aging on various
types of repair work. We were able to help Dr. Albert D. Bell of Rocky
Mount, North Carolina in the preparation of his Life and Times of Dr.
George de Benneville, one of the founders of the Universalist Church. We
were also able to provide some materials to Commander M. V. Brewington,
the distinguished historian of ships and shipping in the Chesapeake Bay.
It was our privilege again this year to participate in the courses in
Archival Administration and Genealogy, offered by The American University
in cooperation with the National Archives, the Library of Congress and the
Maryland Hall of Records. When these courses were first offered, about ten
years ago, it was the thought of the director, Professor Ernst Posner of The
American University, that there would be no need to continue more than a
few years. However, there has been no lessening of interest, and the partici-
pating agencies feel that we should continue this work so long as we are being
useful. The class rolls given here below will show that interest in this work
is nationwide.
Mrs. Jessie P. Guzman, Director, Department of Records and Research, Tuskegee
Institute, Alabama.
Peter T. Haley, Library Assistant, Leesburg, Virginia.
Josephine L. Harper, Manuscript Librarian, State Historical Society of Wisconsin.
Alphin L. Hines, Lanham, Maryland.
Kathleen B. Jacklin, Assistant Curator, Regional Collection, Cornell University, Ithaca,
New York.
Ruth G. Kluzak, on "special assignment" for the Comptroller of Detroit Edison
Olive Liebman, Archives Assistant, Department Records Branch, Adjutant General's
Office, Alexandria, Virginia.
Luis Merchan, Secretary of the National Archives of Ecuador, South America.