In addition to their duties at the Hall of Records, the Archivist expects
the members of the staff to keep themselves informed of new developments
in our field, and to take part in the work of archival and historical societies.
Since the meeting of the Society of American Archivists was held
in Annapolis October 15 and 16, 1951, all the members of the staff were
able to attend meetings in which they were especially interested and to
meet people who are in similar fields in other States and in the Federal
Government. The Archivist served as chairman of the Local Arrange-
ments Committee and he was assisted by every member of the staff. Mr.
Skordas and Mr. Thomas also served as members of the Committee. The
Archivist was a member of the State Archives Committee, and Mr. Skordas
was on the Committee for Archival Buildings and Equipment.
Mr. Thomas was reelected Secretary of the Society of American Archi-
vists, and he attended the joint luncheon meeting of the Society and the
American Historical Association, December 29, 1951, in New York City.
Mr. Thomas also spoke at a meeting of the Genealogical Society of Pennsyl-
vania, April 29, 1952, and published two reviews. Mr. Hively visited the
archives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and viewed the manu-
script collections of the Boston University Library.
The Executive Board of the International Council on Archives, a divi-
sion of UNESCO, held its annual meeting in Washington April 9-11, 1952.
The members of the Board visited the Hall of Records on April 9. The
group consisted of the President, Dr. Charles Braibant, Director of the
Archives of France and Mrs. Braibant; the Vice President for the Western
Hemisphere, Dr. Wayne C. Grover, Archivist of the United States, and
Mrs. Grover; the Secretary General, Dr. Lester K. Born, Special Assistant
on the Microfilm Program at the Library of Congress; Dr. Purnendu Basu,
National Archives of India and Assistant Archivist of the United Nations;
Dr. Solon J. Buck, Assistant Librarian of Congress and Mrs. Buck. The
Board members were accompanied by Mr. Thomas Liverman, Interpreter
at the Department of State. This group from Washington and Colonel
"William D. McCain, President of the Society of American Archivists, were
shown the Hall of Records and the town of Annapolis, and were enter-
tained at lunch at the home of the Archivist and Mrs. Radoff.