Total appropriations for the fiscal year 1951 amounted to $56,797.00,
an increase of approximately $9,000.00 over the preceding year. This
increase is found in the Equipment category and in the account designated
"All Other." It was appropriated for the purchase of a continuous-process
photostatic camera and is not, therefore, a recurring expenditure. The fact
that the camera has not yet been delivered or paid for accounts for the
relatively large sum which has been carried forward into the new fiscal
year. It should be noted here that although no increases in salaries were
given during fiscal year 1951 to members of the Hall of Records staff,
plans were made during the year for the general increase for all state
employees which took effect at the beginning of fiscal year 1952.
Miscellaneous receipts for services performed by the Hall of Records
decreased for the second successive year. It is too soon to know whether
this is a trend which will continue. Perhaps one of the causes is the fact
that researchers are only now beginning to avail themselves of the micro'
film copies of our major records series which we have deposited for security
purposes in the Library of Congress, the Huntington Library, the Library
of the Genealogical Society of Utah and the British Museum.
Summary of Appropriations Fiscal Year 1951
Salaries, Wages and Special Payments .....
Operating Expenses ....................
Total ....................................
Summary of Expenditures Fiscal
Year 1951
Expended .............................
Funds carried forward ...................
..... 12,263.57
Total ....................................
Balance reverted to General Funds.........