As we had every reason to expect, the number of duplicate copies of
early reports which other institutions can furnish us decreased during the
year—no doubt this source of supply will dry up entirely within a few
years. We are pleased to report, however, that we received duplicates this
year from the Enoch Pratt Free Library, the University of Maryland
Library, the Department of Legislative Reference and the Division of
Library Extension. In addition some reports, either processed or manuscript,
came to use with the files of the first two years of Governor Lane's admin^
istration. A full set of the Repens and Official Opinions of the Attorney
General came to the Hall of Records as a deposit of the Department of
Mental Hygiene. Finally, some 30,000 pages of reports and official publica-
tions were filmed from originals at the Maryland State Library.
In order to make these files readily available to searchers we have
thought it worthwhile to publish here below a list of the agencies whose
reports we now have complete. We hope to publish additional lists in sub-
sequent reports.
Number of
Years Covered
Agricultural Lime Board* .......
.... 1 .....
State Accident Fund.............
... 11 .....
Board of Registration and Examination.
of Architects...............
.... 5 .....
.1936-1944; 19501
Chesapeake Bay Laboratory2 .....
.... 4 .....
Conservation Commission3 .......
... 7 .....
Department of Correction4 .......
... 7 .....
Department of Correction — Annual
Report, Inspection of County Jails.24
. 1925-1950
Dairy Inspection Service..........
1 .....
State Employment Commissioner...
Department of Employment Security
*Agency not in existence.
1No reports published 1945-1949.
2See also Department of Research and Education.
3Agency superseded by Department of Game and Inland Fish.
4See also Board of Prison Control, Board of Welfare.
5Entitled "Second Report," first report never published.