Receipts for Photostating, Microfilming, Certifying, Hall of
Records Publications and Postage this year............$1,192.35
Receipts for 1950 ................................... 1,381.17
Receipts for 1949 ................................... 1,431.84
Several archivists visited the Hall of Records in the course of the year.
John O. Baxendale, the newly-appointed Director of Public Records of
Vermont, came to examine our equipment. He was followed by Hayward
C. Cox, Jr., of the Georgia State Archives, Edith M. Fox, who has recently
become Archivist of Cornell University, Dr. Ernst Posner, Director of the
School of Social Sciences and Public Affairs of American University and
Philip Bauer of the same University.
It has long been our policy to encourage members of the staff to see
as many of our neighboring archival institutions as possible. It is the best
way we know to improve ourselves; this is especially true for the more
technical aspects of archival work where new experiments are always in
progress and new developments constantly occurring. Mrs. Hall com'
pleted her course in bookbinding at Catholic University at the beginning
of the fiscal year. She also spent two days observing the repair work of
William J. Barrow and his assistants at the Virginia State Library in
Richmond. Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Hiltabidle also examined the repair facilities
at the National Archives and the Library of Congress.
Mr. Skordas, in the company of the Archivist of Delaware, also visited
die workrooms of Mr. Barrow, and later in the year he and the Archivist
visited the Hall of Records at Dover. Mr. Thomas found it possible during
his vacation to call at the Massachusetts State Archives in Boston, the
University of Michigan Historical Collection at Ann Arbor, and the new
Ford Motor Company Archives at Dearborn.
Only Mr. Hively of the staff of the Hall of Records was able to attend
the Annual meeting of the Society of American Archivists which was held
at Madison, Wisconsin, It is a pleasure to report, however, that this group