Liber BB No. 2, 1673-1674.....................
. 137 pages
Liber GG No. 3, 1676-1680.....................
. 529 pages
Liber HH No. 4, 1680-1684.....................
. 712 pages
Liber KK No. 5, 1684-1691.....................
. 692 pages
Liber NN No. 6, 1692..........................
60 pages
Worcester County Land Records :
Liber A, 1742-1747.............................
. 546 pages
Liber B, 1747-1753.............................
. 639 pages
Liber C, 1753-1755.............................
. 454 pages
Liber D, 1756-1770.............................
. 542 pages
Total number of pages of County Land Records
Total number of pages photostated on order.....
. 1,514
Total .....................................
Photostat Orders
Number of paid orders .....................
Number of "no charge'7 orders ...............
Total number of orders..................... 237
Amount .................................. $825.00
Number of pages........................... 1,514
Microfilm Orders
Baltimore City Jail Runaway Docket 1831-1864............3 volumes
Baltimore -City Jail Accomodation Docket 1837-1893...... 2 volumes
Exposures .......................... 499
Pages .............................. 998
Amount .............................$14.97
The Maryland Gazette 1728-1729
Exposures .......................... 54
Pages .............................. 108
Amount .............................$2.70
Microfilm Project
In my report for the fiscal year 1947 I called your attention to
the microfilm project which had been undertaken in Maryland by the
Utah Genealogical Society and the Hall of Records. At that time a
copy had been made of all the materials which had been transferred
to the Hall of Records after we made our own insurance films during
the war. In addition, the principal series in the Land Office had been
copied for the first time. These films were deposited in the Utah
Society so that should any disaster occur here at the Hall of Records,