Kent County Register of Wills
Queen Anne's County Clerk of Court
Queen Anne's County Register of Wills
We also revised or added to the lists for the following offices:
Anne Arundel County Clerk of Court
Baltimore County Clerk of Court
Court of Appeals
Executive Department
Frederick County Clerk of Court
Somerset County Clerk of Court
For the first time in several years the Hall of Records was
able to have two full-time workers constantly in the repair room.
As a result the number of pages treated increased from over
twelve thousand to over seventeen thousand, or about forty per
It is interesting to note that of all the materials which went
through the repair room during the year there was only one
volume, Provincial Court Judgments P. S. No. 3, which is, strictly
speaking, a state record. There are two reasons for this: all of
the state records which were in need of repair and which were
used to any extent at the Hall of Records have been put into
serviceable condition, and the early county records, which were
for the most part in worse condition than the state records, have
come to occupy more and more of our time. I should like to call
attention also to the large collection of Baltimore County
Original Wills, which were generally in poor condition before
their transfer to the Hall of Records last year. This collection
was unusually difficult to handle because of the large number of
wax seals which had to be removed before the document could
be laminated and then reaffixed.
Anne Arundel County Deeds
Liber B.B. No. 2, 1757-1763............ 805 pages
Baltimore County Land Records:
Liber B. No. H, 1757-1761........... 566 pages
Liber B. No. 2, 1767-1768........... 741 pages