Volume 447, Page 40 View pdf image (33K) |
History of The Maryland Federation of Women's Clubs, 1899-1941, Balti- Arundel County, Maryland, Philadelphia, 1878. Gift of Mrs. George
Forbes. Adopted January Session, 1945, Baltimore, 1945. Deposited by the
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Springeld, Illinois, 1944-1945. Gift of the Illinois State Library. Report for the Year November 1, 1931-October 31, 1932, Baltimore,
1932. Gift of St. John's College. University, July 1, 1944, Providence, 1944. Gift of the John Carter
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The Journal of Southern History, Vols, VII-IX, Nashville, Tennessee,
KENDRICK, J. F., A Survey of Frederick County, Maryland, With Special
KENNEDY, JOHN P., Discourse on the Life and Character of George Calvert
KILTY, WILLIAM, editor, The Laws of Maryland, from the End of the Year
Laws of the State of Maryland, Annapolis, 1846, 1848, 1850, 1852, 1861
Laws of the State of Maryland, Baltimore, 1943, 1944 Extraordinary Ses-
LEWIS, MRS. CHARLES LEE, compiler, Index to the Maryland Line in the
LEWIS, MRS. CHARLES LEE, compiler, Records of Marylanders in Confederate
LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, Annual Report of the Librarian of Congress for the
McCORMICK-GOODHART, LEANDER, De Le Brooke Manor, St. Mary's County,
Maryland Historical and Genealogical Bulletin, Vol. XVI, No. 2, Baltimore,
Maryland Historical Magazine, Vols. XXXIV-XXXVIII, Baltimore, 1939-
MARYLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY, Annual Reports for the Year, 1943, and |
Volume 447, Page 40 View pdf image (33K) |
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