Testamentary Papers, Statewide....................................
Wills Charles Coisnty.......................
Wills, Original, Anne Arundel County............................
Gist Papers........................... .. ...........
Black Books ,............................... ..........
Deeds, Somerset County..................................................
Judgments, Anne Arundel County..................................
. —
Deeds, Frederick County.............
— indicates not reported
Postal inquiries about Marylandiana which required a letter in
reply number 667 which marked a large increase over last year when
the figure was 403 and a small increase over the last full year, the fiscal
year 1941- 1942 when the total number of such letters sent out was
657. While most of these letters could be answered from the evidence
of our own records for which we have prepared indexes, many others
required a good deal of research on the part of one or more members
of the staff. Where our manuscript records, and our small library
of printed books fail, the correspondent is always referred to other
sources from which he might get the information which he desires. In
the case of Maryland records we keep on file accurate lists of records
in all of the depositories of the State and we refer the reader to the
present custodian. In any case, no letter remains unanswered. An
effort is made to reply on the day that the letter of inquiry is received,
and in the case of requests for photostatic copies, the order is always
filled within twenty-four hours. We do not feel at all that we are im-
posed upon when we are called on for materials not to be found in our
own archives, rather we are glad to serve the State of Maryland in as
wide a field as our equipment, talent and time will permit.
Eighth Annual Report of the Archivist of the Hall of Records,
State of Maryland, for the fiscal year October lt 1942 to June 30, 1943.
The Annual Reports contain lists of accessions for the year and
descriptions of newly added finding media.
Typed and Handwritten
Testamentary Proceedings.Although this index was opened dur-
ing the last fiscal year the checking is still going on, During this year
six thousand cards were inserted or edited to add new names or addi-
tional information. This work will continue.