The history of printing in Maryland has been
brought down to 1800 by three bibliographers working in-
dependently at considerable intervals of time. Their
works, to each of which is appended an imprint bibliog-
raphy, are as follows:
Wroth, Lawrence C. History of printing
in colonial Maryland, 1686-1776. Balti-
more, 1922.
Wheeler, Joseph T. The Maryland press,
1777-1790. Baltimore, 1938.
Minick, A. Rachel. History of printing
in Maryland, 1791-1800. Baltimore, 1949.
Maryland imprints, I801-l8l0, which is frankly im-
itative of John E. Alden's Rhode Island imprints, 1727-
1800 (New York, 1949) in inclusiveness and method, dif-
fers from its predecessors. In it the tail wags the
dog; in fact, the tail is_ the dog, for the imprint bib-
liography is the book, and there is no attempt at a his-
tory of the printing of the period.
Again, the imprints described below are with rare
exceptions limited to books and broadsides. Excluded
are not only engravings, lottery tickets, blank forms
and sheet music, but also newspapers, now so thoroughly
covered in Brigham's monumental work as to eliminate the
need for including descriptions of them in bibliogra-
phies of the period before 1820.
My primary source material has been the records
collected by the American Imprints Inventory some fif-
teen years ago, covering library holdings throughout the
United States. These records, now housed in the Library