Advertised In the Baltimore Federal Gazette, Aug. 8,
1803, as "Just Published, And now selling."
IMunS; MdHi. [212]
Paine versus Religion; or, Christianity Triumphant.
Containing the interesting Letters of Sam. Adams, Tho.
Paine and John Gemmil. To which is added, Mr. Erskine!s
Celebrated Speech at the Trial of the Age of Reason.
[rule] [cut] [rule] [2 lines, quotation] [double rule]
Baltimore: Published by G. Douglas, Bookseller, [rule]
16 p. 21 cm. A-B .
MSaE. [213]
Poems of established Reputation, to wit: 1st. The Art
of preserving Health, by J. Armstrong, M.D. 2d. The Min-
strel, or Progress of Genius, by James Beattie, LL.D.
3d. The Pleasures of Imagination, by Dr. Akenside. 4th.
The Task, by Wm. Cowper, Esq. [thick-thin rule} Balti-
more: Printed and Sold by Warner & Hanna. [short rule3
288 p. 16 cm. A-2A6.
CSmH; Ct; MNBedf; MWA; MiD-B; PU; Vi. [214]
Protestant Episcopal Church of the U. S. A. Maryland
Journal of a Convention of the Protestant Episcopal
Church in the State of Maryland; held in the City of
Baltimore, from June 1st. to June 3d. 1803. [thick-thin
rule] Baltimore: Printed by Sower & Cole, No. 190, Mar-
ket-street, 1803.
20 p. 21 cm, [A]-B4 C2.
DLC; MBD; MdBD; MdBE (lacks t.p. and final leaf);
MdBP. [215]
Public Characters, or Cotemporary [sic] Biography.
[filet.] Memoirs of the following personages are given
In this work. [36 names listed] [filet] [5 lines, quo-
tation] [thin-thick rule] Baltimore: Printed by Bonsai
and Nlles, for selves; John Conrad and Co. Mathew Carey,
and Samuel F. Bradford, Philadelphia, and Samuel Camp-
bell, New-York, [row of dots-, 1803.
viii, 496 p. 22 cm. [a]4 A-3 O4 (includes sig. W).
A selection from the first four volumes of the London
Sabin 66511.