349 [i.e. 348], [12], p. 16.5 cm. [A]6(A1.6
blank) B-2G6.
Advertised in the Frederick-Town Republican Advocate,
Apr. 22, 1803, as "just published and for sale, by Sam-
uel Sower."
DA; MWA; MdBP; NIC-V; NJR. [202]
[Martin, Ennalls]
To Jacob Gibson. [double row of dots] When in the
course of human events an era arrives, in which stupid
ignorance ... [signed] Peter Calomel. Talbot County,
Sept. 27, 1803. [Easton? l803]
broadside ([2] p.) 33.5 x 20.5 cm. Without im-
Probably written by Dr. Ennalls Martin, between whom
and Jacob Gibson there was great enmity, which enmity
terminated in a fight at the intersection of Goldsbor-
ough and Washington Streets in Easton.—cf. ms. notes on
MdHi copy.
MdHi. [203]
Maryland. General Assembly. House of Delegates.
Votes and Proceedings of the House of Delegates of
the State of Maryland. [thick-thin rule-, November Ses-
sion, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Two. [thin-thick
rule] Being the first Session of this Assembly. [fi-
let] Annapolis: Printed by Frederick Green, Printer to
the State. [l803]
121 p. 26 cm. [A]2 B-2H2(-2H2).
Session from Nov. 1, 1802, to Jan. 11, 1803.
DLC; MdHi; PU. [204]
Maryland. General Assembly. Senate.
Votes and Proceedings of the Senate of the State of
Maryland. [thick-thin rule] November Session, One
Thousand Eight Hundred and Two. [thin-thick rule] Be-
ing the second Session of the sixth Senate. [filet3
Annapolis: Printed by Frederick Green, Printer to the
State. [1803]
67 p. 26 cm. [A]2 B-R2.
Session from Nov. 1, 1802, to Jan. 11, 1803.
DLC; MdHi; PU. [205]
Maryland. Laws, statutes.
Laws of Maryland, made and passed at a Session of As-