[Wolcot, John]
Tears and Smiles: a miscellaneous Collection of Poems,
By Peter Pindar, Esq. [filet] The Ladies Edition.
[double rule-, [l line, quotatlon] [double rule] Balti-
more: Printed by Samuel Sower, for Thomas, Andrews and
Butler. [filet] 1802.
172 p. 16 cm. [A]2 B-Y4.
Advertised in the Baltimore Telegraphe, July 21,
1802, as "Just Published."
DGU; MdBE; MWA. BrMus. [152]
Almanac s. Maryland.
[frame of printing ornaments] The Annual Visitor; or
Almanac, for the Year of our Lord, 1304. Being Bissex-
tile , or Leap-Year; and the 28th of American Indepen-
dence. Calculated for the Meridians of Maryland, Penn-
sylvania, Virginia, Kentucky, and Tenessee [sic]. Con-
taining, Exclusive of the Astronomical Calculations, A
Variety of Instructing and Entertaining Pieces, in Prose
& Verse. [thick-thin rule] Baltimore; Printed for Sam-
uel Butler, by John W. Butler, Corner of Gay & Water
Streets. [1803]
[36] p. 16 cm. [A]6 B-C6.
MWA; MdBE; MdHi. [153]
Almanacs. Maryland.
[frame of printing ornaments-, Bonsai and Niles' Town
and Country Almanac, for the Year of our Lord, 1804.
Being Bissextile, or Leap-Year; and the twenty-eighth of
American Independence. Calculated for the Middle
States. Containing, [23 lines in 2 columns] Also, A
great Variety of Selections, Instructive and Entertain-
ing, in Prose and Verse. [rule] The astronomical cal-
culations by Abraham Shoemaker, of New-York. [thick-
thin rule] [Bal timore ] Printed and sold by Bonsai &
Niles, 173, Market-Street, Baltimore- rl803]
[48] p. 17.5 cm. [A]4 B2 C-H4/2.
MWA (lacks sig. H2). [154]
Almanacs. Maryland.
[The Gardener and Farcer's Memorandum Book and Alma-
nack, for the year 1804. Baltimore, G. Douglas, 1803-,
Advertised in the Baltimore Federal Gazette, Oct. 3,