Secrets worth knowing.—v.2. Robbers; Fiesco; Cabal and
For later volumes sec items 221, 304.
Advertised in the Baltimore Telegraphe, Apr. 9, 1802,
as "This Day is Published ... Volume I;" and on July 2,
1802, as "... Volume II."
DLC; MB; MC; MDeeP (v.l only); MH (2 copies); MWA;
MdBP; NNC (v.2 only); NcD (v.2 only). [141]
Snethen, Nicholas, l?69-l845.
[A Discourse on the Nature, Necessity and Advantage
of Education, particularly of Daughters; delivered on
the fourth of July, 1802, in the Methodist Episcopal
Church in Light-Street. Baltimore, l802]
Deposited in the District Court of Maryland, Sept.
17, 1802, by John Baxley, Jun.
Advertised in the Baltimore Federal Gazette, Sept.
23, 1802, as "Just Published, And for Sale at the prin-
cipal book stores."
No copy known. [142]
Snowden, Richard.
The American Revolution: written in Scriptural, or,
ancient historical Style. [filet] [l line, quotatlon]
[filet] By Richard Snowden. [filet] Baltimore; Print-
ed by W. Pechin, No. 10, Second-street, [1802?]
360, 44 p. 17 cm. [a]l A-U6 W-2I6 2K4
"The Columbiad" (44 p. at end) was issued with signa-
tures continuous with the above; see next item.
Sabin 85590. Evans 31216 (dated 1796).
A proposal for printing appeared in Bartgis' Republi-
can Gazette, Frederick, Aug. 5, 1801, and the work was
advertised in the same paper Jan. 6, 1802, as "Just Pub-
lished, And for sale at this Office ... Those who have
subscribed ... may receive it by calling at this Office."
The following week the price was given as "1 dollar & 25
It was reviewed in the American Review, v. 2, p. 23-
26, Jan,-Feb.-March 1802. No Baltimore mention of it
was found before an advertisement in the Baltimore Amer-
ican ... for the Country, Mar. 13, 1802: "At the same
places [i.e. W. Pechin's Printing-office, in Second-
street ... and at S. Sower's Printing-Office3 may be
had, The American Revolution, in Scripture Style."