The memorialists petitioned to be confirmed in land
conveyed to them by an Indian deed of 1775.
Sabin 34296.
DLC; InHi; MBAt; MHi; MWA; MdHi; P; PHI; PPL-R; PPiU.
Voltaire, Francois Marie Arouet de.
The History of Charles XII. King of Sweden. [short
thick-thin rule] By M. de Voltaire. [short thin-thick
rule] A new Translation from the last Paris Edition.
[short thick-thin rule] Frederick-Town: Printed and
sold by John P. Thomson, [row of dots] 1810.
294 p. 15.5 cm. [a]2 A-T6 W-Z6 [z]l.
MBil; MWA; TxGR. Conner. [900]
[Walsh, Robert]
A Letter on the Genius and Dispositions of the French
Government, including a view of the Taxation of the
French Empire. Addressed to a Friend, By an American
recently returned from, Europe. [4 lines, quotation]
Baltimore, Published by P. H. Nicklin and Co.; also by
Hopkins and Earle Philadelphia; Farrand, Mallory and
Co. Boston; E. P. Backus, Albany; Williams and Whiting,
New York; J. Parker, Pittsburgh; and E. Monford, Well-
ington and Co. Charleston, South Carolina. 1810.
iv, 253 p. 23 cm. [a]2 A-2I4(2I4 blank).
Parsons 388. Sabin 101165.
DLC; MWA; MdBE; ScC. [901]
Wanostrocht, Nicolas.
Recueil cholsi de traits historiques et de contes mo-
raux: avec le signification des mots en anglois au bas
de ohaque page. A 1'usage des jeunes gens, de 1'un et
de I1 autre sexe, qui veulent apprendre le francois,
[thick-thin rule] Par N. Wanostrocht, Docteur en Droit.
[thin-thick rule] [2 lines, quotation] [short thin-thick
rule] Seconde edition Americaine d'apres la derniere
edition angloise. Revue et corrige'e, au College de St.
Marie. [thin-thick rule] A Baltimore: Imprimee pour S.
Jefferis, no. 212, Market-street. [short double rule3
Hunter & Robinson, Imprimeurs. 1810.
280 p. 17.5 cm. A-Y6 [Z]2 (includes sig. W).
CtMW; IU; MB; MH; MSaB; MWA; MdBE; MdBP; MdHi; MiD-B;
OMC; RPB; ViU. Garrett. c9°23