Christ. The many outrages committed against the person
of our chief Pastor Pius the 7th ... [at end] Balti-
more, Nov. 15, 1810. John, Archbishop of Baltimore.
Michael, Bishop of Philadelphia. John, Bishop of Bos-
ton. Benedict Joseph, Bishop of Bards-town. [Balti-
more? l8l0]
broadside ([2] p.) 25.5 x 20 cm. Without Imprint.
Concerns the detention of the Pope by Napoleon; the
full text is printed in Amer. Cath. Hist. Researches,
Parsons 352.
Balt. Cath. Archives (2 copies). [826-,
Catholic Church. Liturgy and ritual. Directory. Bal-
timore (Archdiocese)
[0rdo Divini Officii recitandi, pro Anno Domini
M,DCCC,XI. Baltimore, B. Dornin, l8l03
Parsons 379.
No copy known. [827]
Catholic Church. Liturgy and ritual. Holy Week offices
Office de la Semaine Sainte, selon le Missel et le
Breviaire Remain contenant les Offices du Matin, les
Vepres, &c. depuis le Dimanche des Rameaux, Jusqu'au
Mardi de Paques, inclusivement. En latin et en franoois
Avec des Prefaces, placees avant 1'Office de chaque jour
pour en expliquer les mysteres, et les ceremonies.
[short thick-thin rule] Premiere Edition d'Amerique.
[short thin-thick rule] A Baltimore, Imprime pour Ber-
nard Dornin et yendu par le-meme, a son Office de Li-
braire Catholique Romain, 30, rue de Baltimore. G. Dob-
bin & Murphy, Imprlm. [row of dots] l8lO.
512, [4] p. 18 cm. A-2S6.
Parsons 377.
MdBLC (lacking after p. 488); MdBS. [828]
Catholic Church. Liturgy and ritual. Holy Week offices
The Office of the Holy Week, according to the Roman
Missal and Breviary containing the Morning and Evening
Service, from Palm-Sunday, to Tuesday in Easter-Week; in
Latin and English. With a Preface to the Service of
each day, explaining the Mysteries represented in the
Office and Ceremonies of the Holy Week. [thick-thin
rule] The first American Edition. [thick-thin rule3
Baltimore: Printed for Bernard Dornin, and sold at his
Rom. Catholic Library, 30, Balt. st. G. Dobbin & Mur-