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Maryland Imprints, 1801-1810 by Roger P. Bristol.
Volume 440, Page 220   View pdf image (33K)
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"Printed by S. Barnes".
First American edition.
CSmH; CtMW; DLC (sig. T lacking); InNd; LNH; MBAt;
MH; MNBedf; MW; MWA; MdBD; MdBE; MdBP; MdHi; MoS; NN;
NNS, OCY; PP; PPL-R; PPM; ViAl; ViRVal; ViU; VtU; WLac.
Le Fort, Louis Francois Isidore.
The First Step to the French Tongue; containing I.
The declined parts of speech. II. The Verbs both Regu-
lar & Irregular. [short vertical rule] III. A methodi-
cal Vocabulary. IV. Concise rules on the Syntax. The
whole rendered extremely easy and familiar, and intend-
ed chiefly for the use of Schools: to which is prefixed,
an Introduction, to facilitate the Pronunciation of that
Language. [filet] The third Edition. [rule] By Louis
Francois Isidore Le Fort. [rule] [2 lines, quotation3
thick-thin rule] Baltimore: Printed by Warner & Hanna,
for the Author, and sold by all the Booksellers. 1809.
1 leaf, 168 p. 16.5 cm. A-06 p2(P2 blank).
Possibly the item advertised in the Baltimore Federal
Republican, Sept. 24, 1810, as "Second edition ... The
first edition was printed some years ago by the sub-
scribers , and the present one lately ... Warner & Han-
na.31 No other record has been found of the first edi-
MH (sig, 02.3 bound inverted). Conner. [753]
Letters under the Signatures of Senex, and of A Farm-
er, comprehending an Examination of the Conduct of our
Executive, towards France and Great Britain, out of
which the present Crisis has arisen, originally pub-
lished in the North American. [double rule] [5 lines,
quotation^ [double rule] Baltimore: Printed by P. K.
Wagner, corner of Gay and Second Streets. 1809.
2 leaves, 108 p. 23 cm. [a]2 A-N4 [0]2.
Sabin 40656.
Advertised in the Baltimore North American, Mar. 28,
1809, as "Just published."
CtHT; DLC (4 copies); MB; MBAt; MWA; MdBJ; MdBP;
MoSM; N; NIC; PHi; PPAmP; PPL; WHi. Garrett. BrMus.
Maryland. General Assembly. House of Delegates.
[A bill entitled, An Act to incorporate the conven-
tion of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Maryland.

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Maryland Imprints, 1801-1810 by Roger P. Bristol.
Volume 440, Page 220   View pdf image (33K)
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