Advertised in the Baltimore American, Sept. 27, 1808,
as "this day published."
DLC; MH; MWA; MdBP; MdHi; NJP. [678]
Robinson, William.
[Confession of William Robinson concerning the murder
of George Workman. Baltimore, G. Keatinge, 1808]
Advertised In the Baltimore Evening Post, Apr. 22,
1808, as "Execution of Morris, Doherty, Robinson & Caleb
Doherty. G. Keatinge and G. Fryer, Having purchased
the correct confessions of the above unfortunate men,
which Is now In the press and will be published, Robin-
son's In the morning and the others as speedily as pos-
sible ... Will be sold by all the hawkers."
Cf. items 662, 680.
No copy known. [679}
Robinson, William.
[Bekenntniss und letzte Aussagen von William Robin-
son, sonst auch Smith genannt, welcher nebst Daniel
Dacherty, Caleb Dacherty und William Morris wegen Brmor-
dung von George Workner uberzeugt worden .., wurden am
Freitag den 22sten April 1808 verurteilt hingerichtet zu
werden. Hagerstaun, bey Johann Gruber, 18083
broadside 36 x 36 cm.
Relchman 105; description quoted from Pennypacker
No copy known. [680]
St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore.
Manuale Clericorum Seminarii S. Sulpitli Baltimoren-
sis. [contents, 9 Iines] [rulc] [row of asterisks]
Baltimore: Typis Johannis W. Butler. 1808.
216, [2] p. 13 cm. A-I12 [K]1.
Parsons 324.
Original paging probably continued beyond sig. Kl.
DGU; MdBS. [68l]
Sharan, James.
The Adventures of James Sharan: compiled from the
Journal, written during his Voyages and Travels in the
four Quarters of the Globe. [thick-thin rule] [l line,
quotation] tthin-thick rule] Baltimore: Printed by G.
Dobbin & Murphy, 10 Baltimore-Street—-for James Sharan.
[row of dots] 1808.