to be performed at a Miscellaneous Oratorio, January 11,
1808. Baltimore, 1808-,
Advertised in the Baltimore American, Jan. 9, 1808,
as a "Miscellaneous Oratorio by the Handelian Society.
On Monday Evening Jan. 11th, Will be performed In Christ
Church ... a grand collection of Sacred Music, with In-
strumental Accompaniments ... Tickets of Admission at
one dollar, with a pamphlet containing the arrangements
and the words to be performed, may be had."
Mr. J. Cole was the conductor.
No copy known. [635]
Hanson, Alexander Contee, 1786-1819.
An accurate Report of the Argument, on a Motion of
Attachment, against Baptis Irvine, Editor of the Whig,
for a Contempt against the Court of Oyer and Terminer
for Baltimore County. [filet] By A. C. Hanson, one of
the Counsel for the State. [filet] Baltimore: Printed
and published by P. K. Wagner, corner of Gay and Second-
streets. Q row of dots] 1808.
vlii, 116 p. 21 cm. [A-B]4 C-p4 Q2.
Sabin 50254.
Advertised in the Baltimore American, Mar. 29, 1808,
as "This Morning is published."
DLC; M; MB; MB-FA; MBAt; MH-L; MHi; MdBE (sig. P,Q
lacking); MdBP; MdHi; MiD-B; MiGr; NhD; PHi; PP; PPB.
Hillhouse, James.
Mr. Hillhouse's Speech, in the Senate, On the Resolu-
tion to Repeal the Embargo, December 2d, 1808: in Answer
to Mr. Giles's second Speech, delivered on the same day.
[Baltimore? Office of the Federal Republican? 1808]
8 p. 22.5 cm.
Caption title.
Probably printed by Joseph Robinson; the speech was
printed in full In the Baltimore Federal Republican,
Dec. 28, 1808.
Probably the item advertised in the Baltimore Federal
Republican, Dec. 30, 1808, as "Just Published, And for
Sale at the Office of the Federal Republican, Price 12
1-2 cents each, the Speech of Mr. Goodrich ... Also,
Mr. Hlllhouse1s Speech.11
An-C-T; MWA. [637]