ViAl; Wv.[514]
[Bourne, George]
Remarks upon a Pamphlet entitled "An Inquiry into the
Validity of Methodist Episcopacy." Dedicated to the
"Right Reverend Fathers In God," to Mr. Kewley, &c.
[thick-thin rule] By Armageddon. [thin-thick rule]
Second Edition. Baltimore: Printed by Geo. Dobbin and
Murphy, for John Hagerty. [short double rule] 1807.
36 p. 18.5 cm. [A]6 B-C6.
John Kewley's "Enquiry into the Validity of Methodist
Episcopacy" was published in Wilmington In 1807.
Advertised in the Baltimore American, May 26, 1807,
as "In the press, and will be published ... on Saturday
morning, May 30."
MdBD; MdHi; TxDaM. [515]
[Brush at a Cobweb, hung up before the eyes of the
public, by Mr. John B. Colvin, and by him called, a Re-
ply to a late pamphlet written by Mr. Paine. By Moral
Duty. Baltimore, Warner and Hanna? l807]
Advertised in the Baltimore American, Oct. 15, 1807,
as "This Day Is Published, And for sale at Messrs. War-
ner and Hanna's, price 12 1-2 cents."
No copy known. [516]
Catholic Church. Catechism.
Catechisme, ou Abrege de la Doctrine Chretienne.
Precede" de L'exerclee du Chretlen pour le matin et le
soir; et termine par quelques instructions sur le Scapu-
lalre, le Rosaire, et quelques autres pratiques de
plete'. Seconde Edition de Baltimore, Faite par L'Appro-
bation de Mgr. L'Eveque, dans laquelle on a change quel-
ques questions, partage quelques reponses qui ont paru
trop longues, et a joute' quelques articles, qui manquoient
dans la Premiere Edition. [rule] [row of printing orna-
ments] Baltimore: Imprime par Jean W. Butler. [short
thick-thin rule-, 1807.
240 p. 13 cm. A-K12.
Parsons 296.
First Baltimore edition, 1796 (Minick 277).
MdBE; MdW. [517]