Almanacs. Maryland.
[wavy-rule frame] The Farmers1 Almanack, for the
Year of our Lord 1808, Being Bissextile, or Leap Year;
and the thirty second of American Independence. Calcu-
lated for the Meridians of Maryland, Pennsylvania, Vir-
ginia, Kentucky and Tennessee. Containing: besides the
Astronomical Calculations for the Year, as great a Va-
riety as any other Almanack, of Useful and Entertaining
Matter. [thick-thin rule] By Father Abraham. [rule]
ccut: farmer plowing] [rule] Baltimore: Printed and
sold by Warner & Hanna. [1807]
[36] p. 18.5 cm. [A]2 B-C6 D4.
DLC; MWA; MdBE; PHI. Garrett. [498]
Almanacs. Maryland.
[frame of printing ornaments] Farmer's & Mechanic's
Almanac for the Year of our Lord 1808. Being Bissex-
tile or Leap Year; and the thirty-second Year of Ameri-
can Independence. Calculated for the Meridians of Mary-
land, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Kentucky and Tennessee.
Containing, Exclusive of the usual Astronomical calcula-
tions, A great variety of Useful and Enertaining Mis-
cellanies In Prose and Verse. [ thick- thin rule] Balti-
more: Printed & Sold by Joseph Robinson, No. 4, North
Charles-street, next to the new Union Bank. [l807]
[36] p. 18.5 cm. [A]2 B-C6 [D] .
Text identical with Poor Will's Almanac (item 503).
MWA. [499]
Almanacs, Maryland.
[thin-thick rule frame] Keatinge's Jefferson Almanac,
for the Year of our Lord, 1808. [cut: eagle] [thick-
thin rule] Baltimore: Printed for G. Keatinge's Book
Store, No, 133 Market-street. [l807]
[36] p. 17 cm. [A]4 B2 C-F4/2.
Advertised in the Baltimore Evening Post, Nov. 2,
1807, as "Just published."
MdHi; NNA. [500]
Almanacs. Maryland.
[frame of printing ornaments] Der Neue Hoch Deutsche
Americanische Calender, auf das Jahr Christi 1808, Wel-
ches ein Schalt-Jahr von 366 Tagen ist. Darin, nebst
richtiger Berechnung der Sonn- und Mond-Fins[ternissen,]
C4 lines] EIngerichtet fur Vierzig Grad Nordbreite,
sonderlich fur Maryland und Pe[nnsylvanien; Jedoch] in