Maryland. Laws, statutes.
Laws of Maryland, made and passed at a Session of As-
sembly, begun and held at the City of Annapolis on Mon-
day the fourth of November, in the Year of Our Lord One
Thousand Eight Hundred and Five. [short thick-thin
rule] Published by authority. [short thin-thick rule3
[filet] Annapolis: Printed by Frederick Green, Printer
to the State. [1806]
[104., p. 35.5 cm. [a]l [A]4 B-N4-N4).
Session from Nov. 4, 1805, to Jan. 28, 1806.
Advertised in the Annapolis Maryland Gazette, Apr. 3,
1806, as "Just Published."
CSfLaw; MdBB; MdBP; MdHl; Mi-L; Nb; Nv; RPL. [470]
[The Mechanics1 Monitor, or Alarm Bell; being a Col-
lection of fugitive pieces tending to detect and expose
some of the numerous evils which may be entailed on the
Mechanics of Baltimore, on the 23d day of June, inst. if
that "Spurious" set of Banking Laws commonly called the
"Second Set," for "the Mechanics' Bank of Baltimore," is
suffered to go into operation. Baltimore, Fryer &
Clark? 1806]
Price 12 1/2 cents.
Advertised in the Baltimore American, June 21, 1806,
as "Just Published, And for sale at Fryer & Clark's Of-
No copy known. [471]
Memoirs of the Life of the late Lord Horatio Nelson,
[6 lines] In which are enumerated the whole of his Ac-
tions, minutely recorded: Interspersed with Anecdotes of
that great Naval Hero. [short thick-thin rule] [3
lines, quotation-, [short thin-thick rule] [thick-thin
rule] Baltimore: Printed and sold by Fryer and Clark,
Corner of Second-street & Market-space. [Price 25
Cents.] [row of dots] 1806.
36 p. 21 cm. [A]4 B-D4 E2.
Brackets in original around price.
Advertised in the Baltimore American, Feb. 27, 1806,
as "This Day is Published."
DLC; ICBB; MH; MdBE; Nh-Hi. [472]
Memoirs of the Life of the late Lord H. Nelson, Peer
of Great Britain,...Duke of Bronti....Rear Admiral of
the Blue, &c. &c. in which are enumerated the whole of
his Actions, minutely recorded, Interspersed with Anec-