Ireland, William Henry.
The Abbess, a Romance. By W. H. Ireland, the avowed
Author of the Shakspear Papers, &c. &c. [filet] [4
lines, quotation] [filet] In three Volumes. [filet3
Vol. I[-III]. [filet] Baltimore: Printed by S» Sower,
and J. W. Butler. [filet] 1801.
3 v. 1? cm.
CSmH (v.3 only); DLC (v.2-3 only); MB (v.l Mutilat-
ed); MWA; MdBE (v.3 only); MdBP; NdHi (v.3 only); NcD;
PHi; ViRVal (v.l only); NcD; [35]
The Jeffersoniad; or, an Echo to the Groans of an ex-
piring Faction. [rule] By Democraticus. [rule] [4
lines, verse] [rule] March 4, 1801: First Year of the
Triumph of Republican Principle. Price——18 Cents.
[Baltimore, W. Pechin?] 1801.
18, [1] p. 15.5 cm. Without imprint.
Sabin 19518.
Advertised in the Baltimore American, Mar. 10, 1801,
as "Just Published, And for sale at the Office of the
American, and at William Pechin's Printing-office;" and
in the Frederick Republican Gazette, Aug. 5, 1801, as
"Just received from Baltimore, and for Sale at this Of-
fice, (Price 12 1-2 Cents,) The Jeffersoniad, £0."
In the MoSHi copy "18" has been altered to "12 1/2".
MoSH1. [36]
Die Lehre von der Wlederbringung aller Dirxge, grflnd-
lich, und Schrifftotssig widerlegt; auch zur Brmahnung,
Lehre, und Trost ausgewandt: von einem Mann, der e in
Bauer ist. Aus Maryland, Friederichs Caunty. [filet3
[6 lines, quotation-] [thin-thick-thin rule] Friederich-
Stadt: Gedruckt, bey Matthias Bartgis, in seiner voll-
stltndigen Deutschen und Englischen Buchdruckerey.
8 p. 21 cm. Single gathering.
Heichmann 64 dates this cl800; not included by Minick
because of lack of precise evidence for a date before
1801. Included here on basis of comparison with contem-
porary Bartgis printing.
MdHi. [37]
Letter to a Member of the General Assembly of Vir-
ginia, on the subject of the late Conspiracy of the