and to comment on the type of material which
formed the output of their presses.
An indispensable aid to knowledge of the output
of their presses is the bibliography which forms
Appendix A, and which attempts to list, by year, all
the books, pamphlets, newspapers, broadsides and printed
music issued in Maryland from 1791 through 1800.
Charles Evans1 American Bibliography was the basic tool
for the compilation of this list. It was supplemented
by the late Kenneth Rede's manuscript bibliography of
Maryland imprints from 1777 to 1820, now in possession
of the Enoch Pratt Free Library of Baltimore. This
manuscript includes all the Maryland items from Evans,
a number of titles which Evans does not include, and is
especially valuable for locating material in Baltimore
libraries. The bibliography which forms Appendix A of
this study supplements Evans and the Rede list by use
of the Union Catalog at the Library of Congress, the
Union Library Catalogue of the Philadelphia Metropoli-
tan Area, and that super-union catalog, the card file
of the American Imprints Inventory, located until 1941
in Chicago. Scanning newspapers published in Maryland
during the period under consideration added evidence
of other material which was printed but apparently did
not survive, and provided additional information about
publications already noted.