for their wealth of material and gracious cooperation,
the Maryland Historical Society and Enoch Pratt Free
Library of Baltimore, and the American Antiquarian
Society of Worcester, Massachusetts.
These individuals have made the compilation of
the narrative and bibliography much easier by their
suggestions, criticisms and cooperation: Joseph Towne
Wheeler, author of The Maryland Press, 1777-1790,
Joseph L. Wheeler, librarian of the Enoch Pratt Free
Library, Baltimore; Janes W. Foster, librarian of the
Maryland Historical Society of Baltimore, the late
George C. Keidel of the Manuscript Division of the
Library of Congress, Lucile M. Morsch, head of the
Descriptive Catalog Division of the Library of Congress,
Mrs. Frank Schwartz and J. McC. Zimmerman of Hagers-
town, Maryland. To them and all others - and there are
several - who have aided in the construction of this
essay, I extend my thanks.
Great care has been used in the compilation of
this material, but there must be mistakes, both of
omission and commission. Of course I assume all
responsibility for ther:; and hope that, if this is
ever used as a reference for any other study, the errors
have fallen where they will not be picked up by others.
A. Rachel Minick
Brooklyn, New York
January 1944