to Charleston, South Carolina, where he obtained employ-
ment as a printer for a short time. (An Alexander Mar-
tin printed the Fayetteville Gazette in Fayetteville,
North Carolina, for John Sit ley from August 7, 1792
until some time in 1793108, tut whether that circum-
stance can te connected with "Jack" Martin's Carolina
episode, remains a subject for conjecture.)
Martin eventually returned to Boston and secured
the printing of the Orrery. (An Alexander Martin - and
there seems to te no reason to "believe it was not the
same as Alexander Martin of Baltimore - did print the
Federal Orrery, edited by Thomas Paino, in 1795 and
1796109 as well as the Massachusetts Magazine, edited
by Isaiah Thomas, also in 1795 and 1796110, and the
Polar Star: Boston Daily Advertiser, for the proprietor,
John D. Burk, from October 6, 1796, through February
2, 1797111, and possibly longer.) At the termination
of his Boston engagements, Martin, in financial diffi-
culty, journeyed south again, this time to Richmond;
but failing to secure employment in his profession, he
took a boat bound for Baltimore.
108 Brigham, C.S. Bibliography of American news-
papers, 1690-1820. Part X. North Carolina, p. 297.
109 Ibid. Part III. Maryland to Massachusetts
(Boston) p. 222.
110 Mott, F. L. A history of American magazines.
v. 1, p. 108.
111 Brigham, C. S. op, cit. p. 271.