Army, U.S., Regulations for the order and
discipline of the volunteer army of the
United States of America ..........
..... page 90.
item 208
Arne, Michael. Fresh and strong the breeze
is blowing (song from the Spoil'd child)
reverse: Since then I'm doomed.........
..... item 553
Art of contentment, by John Searson ......
..... item 393
Articles for the government of the Commercial
fire-company of Baltimore .........
..... item 58
Articles of agreement, on verso of Act for the
government and regulation of seamen in the
merchants' service
..... item 461
Asplund, John. New collection
.....page 142,
item 101
Assembly room, Baltimore........
... page 145
Assistant, for the piano-forte, by Francis
Linley ...................
, . item 291
Assistant, for the piano-forte, or harpsi-
chord, New, by Francis Linley .......
..... item 292
At a meeting of the governor and directors
of the Maryland Susquehannah canal
[signed] Samuel Hughes, George Gale,
John Holmes.......
... item 262
Auguste and Madelaine, by Helen Maria
Williams, appended to Ambrose and Eleanor
items 404, 465
Aurora (ship) .................
... page 53
Aurora, Philadelphia .............
..... page 70
Authentic appearance of a ghost in Queen
Anne's county Maryland......
... , page 124